
Katharina Nuss

Katharina Nuss, parent to three energetic tree-climbers aged 4, 8 and 10, unexpectedly became an advocate for healthy independence for Manitoba children after being reported to Child and Family Services for allowing two of her children to walk down the street to buy bread at Tall Grass Bakery. 

The interaction she had with the intake worker who came to her door a month later left her incredulous and concerned, and she started a petition calling for a revision of Section 17 of the Child and Family Services Act. The support was over whelming (over 9000 signatures). 

As a founder of Free to Be Kids she is working towards legislative and cultural change to ensure children have the necessary opportunities to practice gradually increasing, healthy independence.


Sean Carlson

Sean first became aware of the healthy independence issue while working to promote walking and cycling to school; even parents who believed in their children’s abilities were making choices based on fears of breaking the law and social judgment. He is most concerned that the taboo around childhood independence has kept schools and communities from acting on research that indicates many recent efforts to keep children safe are, in fact, putting them at greater risk.

In his downtime, he is passionate about building vibrant and inclusive communities where good health is the default outcome of daily life. If you see him on his bike, please say hi!

Photo by Tallula Wilkie

Photo by Tallula Wilkie

Tanya hoover

Tanya Hoover is a Registered Social Worker who holds a Master of Social Work degree. She is a Certified Play Therapist with the Canadian Association for Play Therapy. She holds a certificate in Early Childhood Education, and has taken extensive training in attachment-based models for supporting children and parents/caregivers, including being certified in the Circle of Security model for individual therapy. She is also a Registered Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator. Tanya is the mom of an adventure-seeking 4-year-old and an energetic 8-year-old and the author of the blog joyandcompany.wordpress.com


Dr. caroline Piotrowski

Dr. Caroline Piotrowski is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. She is also a Scientist at Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba and Director of the Violence and Injury Prevention Research Group at the University of Manitoba. Her academic background includes training in child development and health promotion. Her areas of research expertise include childhood injury and violence prevention, and trauma and resilience in children and youth. She is particularly interested in the promotion of safety, including trauma- and violence-informed care.